Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week Ten: Ah, Doctor Scale. . . We Meet Again!

Scale. Weigh-in. Weight. Pounds. All these words make me feel icky on the inside. Like a disgusting ball of anxiety appears in my already too filled out stomach.

Anxiety adds 10 pounds, right?

 I HATE scales. I do not like knowing what I weigh. Knowing my pants size is bad enough. So naturally, I've been avoiding getting one that I could look at all the time.

This is the face of pure evil

Unfortunately, the scale will always strike!

Well, and I want to make sure I'm making progress. I've been making an effort to eat better (ugh, barely) and work out more, so I was hoping a scale would help motivate me. Technically, it did I guess...

My good friend Christen (OMG! Mentioned on the internet, you're famous now Christen) is also trying to get into better shape, and she had an old scale that she gave me. I did a weigh in yesterday...


If this scale is telling the truth -- and I've known scales to lie -- then I'm even heavier than I was when I started this little game. Like, 10 more pounds heavier. I don't know if I believe it, I've known scales to be two-faced liars before, but I've also met a brutally honest SOB of a scale as well. I'm going to believe it. And even if it's wrong, I'm hoping to lose weight anyway, so I'll have an actual number to go from.

So, you guys can be expecting a weekly weigh-in from me now. I'll try not to make them depressing, but this should make me accountable too.

Without further ado, here's my weight as of yesterday: 184lbs.


Hey that being said, I am making progress mentally. I ran yesterday, and I felt good all day. So naturally, today I've been super sore, but the good kind of sore. The kind that makes you feel accomplished.

Hurts so good

So, now that I'm interested in working out, I NEED to be more focused on eating well. I've mentioned how eating well in the dorms is difficult, but the last couple days, I don't know why, but I've been VERY hungry by the time I get to dinner, and I just pig out. Today in particular, I got to dinner, sat down, and just devoured dinner.

Could you pass the salt? OM NOM NOM

BUT it's been a big week! I started Couch to 5K, finally got a scale, and did a weigh in. AND I worked out more than two times! Ok, it was only three times, but it still happened! And my real goal was to work out more than twice.

Goals for this week: Run Wednesday and Friday mornings. Keep track of food intake. Write blog before 11:30PM Tuesday night.

Stay tuned for a talk about Couch to 5K next week!


  1. You go girl. I have complete faith in you!

  2. Don't be too hard on yourself love. The mental hurdle is the most difficult to overcome. A healthy lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle. It is not something you do when you have a chance. That is a difficult commitment to make when you have so many things going on in your life. (Believe me, I know.)
