Oooooh Canadaaaaaaa,
My home and native laaaaaaand
True patriot heart
In all thy sons commaaaaaaaaand. . .
Oh! I didn't see you there. Today I have an especially special post. I'm actually writing this at 2 AM. I am pulling an all-nighter because at 4 AM, I'M LEAVING FOR CANADA! WOOT!
BUT since I'm probably going to be busy basically the whole time, I'm not going to bring my computer on this adventure. I know most of you live for my weekly posts, so rather than force you to fend for yourselves this week, I thought I'd give you a short, and somewhat muddled morning post.
For anyone who's ever been on a diet (a show of hands anyone?) you know what leaving the country means: lots of cheating.
What with the syrup, and poutine (that's french fries in gravy yo), and Pizza Pizza, and Tim Hortons, and beer! How can you do it? It's not like I can just get a little every once in a while because I don't live in Canada!
That being said, I've kinda been cheating this past week. Idk what exactly my problem is. I am eating less, but I can't seem to actually give up any food entirely. And I know you're not supposed to really, but there are some foods that I really think I could live without, and would be better off without, but I can't seem to say no. I'm such a food slut. Sigh.
Well, maybe I'll get inspired by the Canadians.
I gotta end it here because, as I said, I'm staying up all night, and it's not treating me well. I mean, I used the term "food slut". That's a definite signal to hang up the blog towel for the day.
Have a good week everybody! Feel free to leave a comment, email me, FB me, or tweet me! I love hearing from you, and if there's anything in particular you want to hear about, let me know :)
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