This week has been hard. I knew that the trip to Canada would be hard on my diet, but I am feeling especially low this week.
We literally ate out for every lunch and dinner, and I definitely was really excited to eat some real food when I got back.
I am really self conscious of my gut this week, and now that my fat pants are too dirty to wear in good company, I had to wear my regular, very unforgiving pants. I tell ya, nothing motivates you like being disgusted with yourself. Seriously. Up to now, it's been all fun and games. But now I am REALLY cracking down.
Just kidding. But it has been rough.
Besides the waistline troubles, Canada was marvelous. The poutine was delicious, and the Pizza Pizza was cheep. And I found that I have a love for Guinness. (153 cal/12oz.) It has been said that "a Guinness a day keeps the doctor away". I'd believe it. It's delicious.
Sorry I don't really have anything to talk about other than Canada, but that's what I did all week! I'll give you the low down on the places where I ate.
On the way down:
- McDonald's
-- I tried their Fruit and Maple Oatmeal (145 cal per serving) for the first time, and it was actually delicious! It has been criticized for not being "wholesome" To the people saying that, all I can say back is DUH! It's still McDonald's.
- Big Boy
-- Yeah, this is the second time I've ever eaten there, and probably the last. It took forever, and it didn't taste good. I feel like it was made to order, but it tasted like I ordered 4 hours in advance.
While there:
- Pizza Pizza
-- Made popular by the awesome movie Scot Pilgrim vs. the World; and the fact that they sell 2 pieces of pepperoni and a pop for $3.99. The food itself is decent. Worth all 399 pennies. It's the service that really sucked for us. BUT if you ever get the chance, I suggest the chili with the garlic bread. It was ridiculously tasty. And then try the poutine there, and tell me if it's good or not because I got it elsewhere.
- Molly Bloom's
-- This is a local bar in Stratford. The food was disappointing, and the service bad. (I'm going to mention now that the service was pretty bad everywhere. It's a tourist town, but only 3 months out of the year, and it seems like all the restaurants in town were unprepared). The drinks here were pretty good, and the cheapest I saw. This is where I had my first poutine (reminder, that is french fries, topped with gravy and cheese curds). It was only ok.
I will give it credit though: I had my first dark beer there last year, my first poutine, and my first scotch and soda. We've been through a lot. And I had the best night there with 3 close friends, a couple drinks, and a big bowl of sweet potato fries. Awesome.
- Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
-- This was the exception to the bad service. They had delicious food: fudges of all kinds, tons of ice cream flavors, carmel apples, bon bons; basically, it was an awesome candy shop. You could even watch them make chocolate in the window. Sam and I split a piece of cheesecake on the a stick dipped in dark chocolate. It was so good! (although, I don't even want to think about the calorie content)
5 Stars for them.
- Tim Horton's
-- I very much enjoyed that experience. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but I had only heard rave reviews about the coffee, so I had to try it. IT. WAS. DELICIOUS! I also had soup, a sandwich, and a cruller. It was all really good, but it had a long line.
- Backstage
-- This was a bar that sold a ton of different shots, so Sam and I tried two: a Sicilian Kiss (amoretto and SoCo), and a Sour Jack (Sour Puss and Jack Daniels). I'll be honest, I didn't like it. But I do not like shots. I like to enjoy my drinks, not swallow them as fast as I can and wait to get drunk.
- Bentley's
-- Probably the most expensive restaurant I've ever been to. The food was alright, but not worth how much we paid for it. And their mixed drinks seemed outrageous to me. Granted, I don't go out drinking here, but I got 2 mixed drinks for $10 a pop! The poutine there though, was excellent. ($8.95 I think, which isn't terribly expensive).
The Way Back:
- Tim Horton's (US style).
--Still good coffee, but the experience wasn't as good.
- Steak 'n Shake
-- This was the most disgusting place I've ever eaten. I seriously wish I knew what town I was in so I could warn you to never go there. I will admit, I thought the "Steak" part of Steak 'n Shake was actual steak. Not just burgers. I got a avocado burger, and the actual burger part was so gross, that I just ate the avocado off of the bun. The food was gross, and the shakes were lack luster. The service can only be described as incompetent. Someone asked for a certain kind of shake, and the girl at the counter couldn't seem to wrap her mind around the flavor combo. AND flavor combos were advertised there, so it wasn't like that person was being picky or anything. Then she got it wrong anyways. And the bathrooms were disgusting. The smell in there. . . I don't know how to describe it. I have never smelled anything like it. It didn't even smell like poop, it smelled rancid. I gagged. I literally gagged while trying to pee. It was just bad.
Sigh. I was going to post some pictures of the trip on here, but my computer refuses to acknowledge that my ipod is plugged in, so I will just have to post them next week (3 weeks of Canada in a row?! Awesome Sauce).
Feel free to comment below, or send me a Facebook message. OR you could follow me on twitter! (Olivia Ludwiczak).
Tune in next week, it will be funnier!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Week Four: Trips
Oooooh Canadaaaaaaa,
My home and native laaaaaaand
True patriot heart
In all thy sons commaaaaaaaaand. . .
Oh! I didn't see you there. Today I have an especially special post. I'm actually writing this at 2 AM. I am pulling an all-nighter because at 4 AM, I'M LEAVING FOR CANADA! WOOT!
BUT since I'm probably going to be busy basically the whole time, I'm not going to bring my computer on this adventure. I know most of you live for my weekly posts, so rather than force you to fend for yourselves this week, I thought I'd give you a short, and somewhat muddled morning post.
For anyone who's ever been on a diet (a show of hands anyone?) you know what leaving the country means: lots of cheating.
What with the syrup, and poutine (that's french fries in gravy yo), and Pizza Pizza, and Tim Hortons, and beer! How can you do it? It's not like I can just get a little every once in a while because I don't live in Canada!
That being said, I've kinda been cheating this past week. Idk what exactly my problem is. I am eating less, but I can't seem to actually give up any food entirely. And I know you're not supposed to really, but there are some foods that I really think I could live without, and would be better off without, but I can't seem to say no. I'm such a food slut. Sigh.
Well, maybe I'll get inspired by the Canadians.
I gotta end it here because, as I said, I'm staying up all night, and it's not treating me well. I mean, I used the term "food slut". That's a definite signal to hang up the blog towel for the day.
Have a good week everybody! Feel free to leave a comment, email me, FB me, or tweet me! I love hearing from you, and if there's anything in particular you want to hear about, let me know :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Week Three: Fat Pants
Today I want to talk about fat pants. Why you ask? Because I'm wearing them right now.
This past year I happened to find 10 lbs. (Yeesh). Therefore, my regular pants aren't exactly fitting right. Here's a visual:
Or something like that.
Therefore, I have retreated into the safe, and elastic world of fat pants.
Ok, admit it. You have at least one pair of fat pants. If you are unsure, here's a list of potential fat pants:
-Jeans from before you lost weight previously (If you're lucky enough for that to have happened)
-A pair of elastic pants that look like regular pants if you pull your shirt over the waist
-Old maternity pants that are still floating around
-Jeans that you got for Christmas from someone who thought you were fatter than you are, but you feel bad getting rid of a gift, so they just sit at the bottom of your drawer gathering lint.
-Jeans that have no concept of size. i.e. they say fourteen, but fall off your 14-sized butt whenever you wear them.
The only real standard to fat pants is that you can (and at times must) wear them in public.
Usually fat pants look like this:
But when you've put on a little weight, or are bloated they fit like this:
I know what you're thinking. Super sexy.
But seriously, fat pants are like a judgmental, but very forgiving friend. It's like they say "Hey, you're fat. But that's ok. I'm just going to show everyone your bulging belly, and make your butt look as big as possible, yet make sure it looks unattractive! But other than that, you can breathe easy, and don't have to feel like a balloon stuffed into a tube sock. I hope you don't run into anyone attractive or important today!"
Aaaand that's pretty much how it goes.
You would think that would be inspiration enough to get a diet going. One might ask "Why don't you just get bigger pants?" Well, that's simple. If I were to get bigger pants, I would not only have to spend money (a precious commodity for the college student), but I would also have to admit to have gained weight and do not fit in my regular pants. And that's not really an option. I'd rather wear pants that lie and tell me they're a size 14, when they're clearly more of a 15.5 ish.
All that being said, the diet is going only okay.
I've been eating less at meals, while eating small snacks throughout the day. Try, one or two crackers just to hold me over. If I want a really mind less food, I really like sweet bell peppers. At Pick N Save you can get a big bag for about $5. Yeah, rocking the peppers. Still avoiding meat, but not ruling it out altogether yet. Although I feel like I might do some sort of cleanse in the near future. Deets coming soon.
As for exercise, I did it only 3x this week. But hey! That's 3 more times from last week! Instead of the eliptical machine, I've been doing an exercise bike. It's funny, I never even considered doing the bike before, but I've lost weight in the past, and it was before I got my driver's license and had to bike everywhere. DUH! So the bike gets me dripping sweat, and it gets me thinking "There's my fat dripping away!"
Except, that's not how that works. If it was, I'd been skinny as hell thanks to the dorms being 10 trillion degrees all the time (That's 5555555555537.778 degrees C for anyone not in the states).
i also like the bike because I can get a lot of reading done for school while working out. Hello two birds! Let me throw this one stone at you!
The core workout is not going as well. I just can't get myself motivated to actually DO it. Boo.
Alright, I gotta wrap it up! This week the goal is to do 45 mins of cardio 3x, and keep track of the food I eat. Sloooooowly working my way to actual calorie counting, but now trying to just make good portion decisions.
Question for the people of the internet: Is it really that weird to just eat a whole pepper if they're the little ones? I've heard yes and no, but I want to hear your opinion! Feel free to FB me:, or follow me on twitter:
Have a great week, and tune in next Tuesday for more diet blues.
This past year I happened to find 10 lbs. (Yeesh). Therefore, my regular pants aren't exactly fitting right. Here's a visual:
Or something like that.
Therefore, I have retreated into the safe, and elastic world of fat pants.
Ok, admit it. You have at least one pair of fat pants. If you are unsure, here's a list of potential fat pants:
-Jeans from before you lost weight previously (If you're lucky enough for that to have happened)
-A pair of elastic pants that look like regular pants if you pull your shirt over the waist
-Old maternity pants that are still floating around
-Jeans that you got for Christmas from someone who thought you were fatter than you are, but you feel bad getting rid of a gift, so they just sit at the bottom of your drawer gathering lint.
-Jeans that have no concept of size. i.e. they say fourteen, but fall off your 14-sized butt whenever you wear them.
The only real standard to fat pants is that you can (and at times must) wear them in public.
Usually fat pants look like this:
But when you've put on a little weight, or are bloated they fit like this:
I know what you're thinking. Super sexy.
But seriously, fat pants are like a judgmental, but very forgiving friend. It's like they say "Hey, you're fat. But that's ok. I'm just going to show everyone your bulging belly, and make your butt look as big as possible, yet make sure it looks unattractive! But other than that, you can breathe easy, and don't have to feel like a balloon stuffed into a tube sock. I hope you don't run into anyone attractive or important today!"
Aaaand that's pretty much how it goes.
You would think that would be inspiration enough to get a diet going. One might ask "Why don't you just get bigger pants?" Well, that's simple. If I were to get bigger pants, I would not only have to spend money (a precious commodity for the college student), but I would also have to admit to have gained weight and do not fit in my regular pants. And that's not really an option. I'd rather wear pants that lie and tell me they're a size 14, when they're clearly more of a 15.5 ish.
All that being said, the diet is going only okay.
I've been eating less at meals, while eating small snacks throughout the day. Try, one or two crackers just to hold me over. If I want a really mind less food, I really like sweet bell peppers. At Pick N Save you can get a big bag for about $5. Yeah, rocking the peppers. Still avoiding meat, but not ruling it out altogether yet. Although I feel like I might do some sort of cleanse in the near future. Deets coming soon.
As for exercise, I did it only 3x this week. But hey! That's 3 more times from last week! Instead of the eliptical machine, I've been doing an exercise bike. It's funny, I never even considered doing the bike before, but I've lost weight in the past, and it was before I got my driver's license and had to bike everywhere. DUH! So the bike gets me dripping sweat, and it gets me thinking "There's my fat dripping away!"
Except, that's not how that works. If it was, I'd been skinny as hell thanks to the dorms being 10 trillion degrees all the time (That's 5555555555537.778 degrees C for anyone not in the states).
i also like the bike because I can get a lot of reading done for school while working out. Hello two birds! Let me throw this one stone at you!
The core workout is not going as well. I just can't get myself motivated to actually DO it. Boo.
Alright, I gotta wrap it up! This week the goal is to do 45 mins of cardio 3x, and keep track of the food I eat. Sloooooowly working my way to actual calorie counting, but now trying to just make good portion decisions.
Question for the people of the internet: Is it really that weird to just eat a whole pepper if they're the little ones? I've heard yes and no, but I want to hear your opinion! Feel free to FB me:, or follow me on twitter:
Have a great week, and tune in next Tuesday for more diet blues.
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