Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Motivation

Hey Gang!

So, you've all heard me rant about trying to lose weight, and how much exercising sucks, and how much eating is awesome, and it's really been a grand time, but now it's time to get serious.

For those of you who read my most recent blog, I have a very special day coming up: only 585 more days! For those of you who didn't read it, shame on you!

Hint hint.

Well, anyways, up until now, I've pretty much been all talk. But now I have some real motivation, and I've been cracking down. Oh sure I've been running all right, but I'm still gaining weight: and not the good kind.

It all seems kind of pointless when you look at it like this.

So, if I want to look really great in that dress (which ever one it ends up being), I need to get into the real hard stuff: dieting.

Well, I thought I just trusted myself to do it right: I mean, I've done it before, right? Nope. Not right. Therefore, I needed to take action. I subscribed to MyFitnessPal, and downloaded the Ap for my iPad. I though I was eating well. . . yeah, a day in, and I knew how wrong I was. The math was all there.

2+2= Fat

So now I feel I'm on the right track. I'm still trying to get a good balance of stuff, but I end up with more things than others. . . Diet Dr. Pepper has vitamins in it, right?

Well, for extra guidance, I picked up a couple diet books. The next couple weeks I hope to read through them and give you nice people out there in computer-land a basic review of them.

The list of books are as follows:

Sounds a lot like "Eat This, Not That"

Now, I really want to lose more than 5 pounds, but I think that is a good start. It seems like a lot of "Don't eat fast food," but I hope that's not the WHOLE book. But who knows?


 In case you can't see, it's called "Cook Yourself Thin"

Now that Sam and I live in an apartment, I've been wanting to experiment with a little bit of cooking. I have only done some really basic stuff, like various noodles, and hardboiled eggs. So a cookbook would come in handy. The cover says "Skinny Meals You Can Make in Minutes." Sounds great right?

Well I haven't read any of this one yet, but I have seen the pictures, and I have one reaction so far: Cook books are basically porn for chubby girls.

Moving on!

This one is called: The Petite Advantage Diet.

There isn't a real good reason I picked this book except that I'm pretty short. I'm the shortest one in my immediate family at 5'2" so I'm hoping this might give a few good tips based on my body type.


Carrots 'N' Cake

This one is especially exciting to me because it's a lot like my blog! It's even based off of another person's diet blog, so I'm hoping that it will not only give me diet tips, but also blogging ideas! 
Also, what sealed the deal was what it said on the back "If you need a health buddy to keep you on the track, open this book" 

Well random reviewer, that's exactly what I, and most of America, need.

I think that's enough for tonight, so stay tuned for some book reviews!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What is this?! An Actual POST?!

Hey everyone. . . So I'm just gonna address my absence. I over slept, and traffic was terrible, and my stuffed cat ate my pet tarantula, so I've been a little too busy with real life to blog.

But seriously, it's been almost 3 months since my last post, and I am sorry about that. Here's a little update on what kind of shenanigans I was getting into instead of getting down to work:

-December 6: Turned 21
-December 7: Resigned from being 21 and went back to being 20 so I could have the excitement of         drinking illegally just one more time.
-December 10: Tried my hand at Directing
-December 14: Got engaged

This is what my ring looks like

-December 16: Tell my side of the family (also a one year old's Birthday party)
-December 24: Christmas Eve in Wisconsin Rapids
-December 25: Christmas Day in Sheboygan

Complete with the tradition of "Cookie Breakfast"

-December 29: Parents Meet
-January 4: Learn to fly (on stage with wires, don't be ridiculous!)
-January 5: Decide to get an apartment
-January 7: See apartment
-January 13: Open show
-January 15: Sign lease on apartment
-January 19: Actually start living in apartment
-January 20: Close show
-January 21: Audition for next show
-January 22: Spring Semester starts
-February 2: Get bed for apartment (and move in other stuff that I didn't really care about because I had been sleeping on the floor for a week)

Even this is better than the floor

-February 3 - The Present:  Move in more stuff

I know, I know, the hectic goings on of going to a 1-yr old's birthday party is no excuse for not posting for my fairly faithful readers (hey Mom and Dad!).

I did not have anything really planned to talk about today other than a basic life update and a plethora of excuses for why I've been so negligent.

Body update: I'm not sure (because of denile) but I don't think I've gained any weight (maybe only 10 lbs?). Idk what is going on with my body, but I now have a running buddy (shout out to Christen!) and we are going out 3 times a week, even with all the snow and ice.

We both fell today. I will not say how many times because falling on your butt twice is not important.

I will be posting again every Tuesday! Hope everyone comes back!

P.S. I have officially become this poor schmuck:

Well, actually, I'm more like this schmuck:

But whatever! Who's keeping count, right?